📞 +91 (0863) 2231942 📧 info@cardsinternational.org

7.5.1   Establishment: 1986

7.5.2   Background :

The open university system of Education has taken higher education to millions of people who are out of its reach in distant places and sections and groups of people who could not have afforded it otherwise. CARDs could take education on Dalit issues only to a microscopic percentage of Dalit population through its direct field programmes. The situation therefore did not hold out any real hope of making any substantial headway in the realisation of its Vision. CARDS therefore conceived the idea of adopting the methodology of the open university system of education.

7.5.3   Objectives :

- To take education on Dalit issues and Dalit Movement to millions of Dalits in far flung areas out of the direct reach of CARDS at a comparatively low cost.

- To make real and substantial headway towards realisation of the Vision of CARDS.

7.5.4   Structure :

- An Academic Council, a Senate and a Governing Body consisting of Dalit Intelligentsia, legal experts, Dalit Scholars, and Dalit leaders carry on the administration of the university.

- A separate Dean heads each department.

7.5.5 Activation:

- A curriculum consisting of the following subjects has been developed.

a. Dr. Ambedkar’s Life, work and Philosophy.
Literature of Dr. Jashua and Dalit Movement.
Religion and Dalit Movement.
Caste and class – their nature and mutual context.
Dalit culture and way of life.
Relevance of bad habits, thrift and Govt. facilities in the context of economic development of Dalits.

- Published handouts and study material on the subjects of the curriculum and sent them by post to millions of members.

- Opened study centers.

- Dalit issues of various States identified and discussed.

- Utilized the services of Dalit Writers, Dalit Intelligentsia, and Dalit Sympathizers.

- Conferring honours on persons doing exceptional services to Dalit movement.
